Winter is upon us. Maybe we will have a white Christmas this year
– or maybe not.
We had a good turnout at our November civic league meeting.
Officer David Schoenbach gave an excellent presentation on current
crime trends and steps each of us can take to keep from becoming a
victim of crime. The audience was very engaged and asked excellent
questions. Mike Graham won the 50:50 drawing, but it appeared Paula
Graham took possession of the winnings – we guys know how that
This month our civic league is hosting the annual Christmas Pot-
Luck Dinner event in lieu of a membership meeting. See details on the
front page. I hope everyone will be able to prepare or purchase a side
dish to share and enjoy a great evening with your friends and neighbors.
This year we have a live entertainment surprise. If you would like to
volunteer to fill in for Santa, please contact me at 757-642-4844. We
have a Santa suit and all the accessories.
We received an update on the project to repair the erosion in the
storm-water drainage canal between Lake Smith Terrace and Lakeview
Shores. Originally the project was expected to begin construction in
October with a completion date in February 2025. I always believed
that was an overly optimistic schedule. As it has turned out, the
permitting process has caused a setback to the timeline. Any time you
are working with water, the permitting process goes through several
different agencies – each of which can cause delay. As of now, the city
expects to put the project out for bids in February with a projected
construction start date sometime around June 2025. More to come as
we receive further updates.
The Cypress Point Shopping Center has been purchased by Boyd
Homes. We long anticipated a move of this type with that deteriorating
shopping center. I had a conversation with one of the owners at Boyd
Homes regarding their plans for the site. There is no final plan as of
now but based on our conversation, I believe their goal for the project
is to blend well with the surrounding area.
The ongoing saga of the proposed traffic light at the Paul Revere/
Wakefield – Independence intersection is still with us. Walt Stone and
Megan Earlenbaugh are our committee members focused on this issue.
Walt researched every applicable section of the Federal Manual for
Uniform Traffic Control Devices and authored a forty-four-page report
that essentially debunked the original case for the traffic light at that
intersection. We believe the original data from the 2016-2020 period is
outdated and inaccurate and no longer applicable. On 22 November
Megan, Walt, and I met with L.J. Hansen, Virginia Beach Director of
Public Works, where the report was presented. It is a great deal of well
researched data that should cause a complete rethink of this project.
The public meeting at Independence Middle School scheduled for 4
December has been postponed to a yet to be determined date after the
first of the year. Unfortunately, we have no support from our District 9
councilman, a resident of Thoroughgood, for ending this project. More
on that later.
Edi and I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Safe New Year.
John Eason - President
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Last updated - November 28, 2024